Une école de l'Université de Lorraine

Erasmus ++

Erasmus ++

ERASMUS: A Part of the Program for Education and Lifelong Learning

The Erasmus Program contributes to the realization of a European higher education area.

As the first great European program, the Erasmus Program promotes mobility throughout Europe, for students (studies, internships), faculty (teaching placements), and other staff of education institutions (training courses).

Before anything else, people interested in the Erasmus Program should visit the official website of the Université de Lorraine in order to learn more about the Program and its deadlines:

Partir étudier à l’étranger (French)

A PowerPoint presentation is also available, which summarizes the top ten things to think of when preparing an international mobility with the Erasmus Program:

Préparer sa Mobilité Erasmus-Etudes (French)

For more information on the Erasmus Program, visit the official EU website: Erasmus+

The 2014-2020  ERASMUS Charter for Université de Lorraine

Read the Charter

International Partnership

Read the List of Education Institutions which have formed a partnership with the Faculty of Mathematics, Computer Science and Mechanics (UFR MIM)

Scholarships and mobility grants

Several funding opportunities exist, depending on your mobility project: More information

In addition to the Erasmus+ grant, applicants who study in Lorraine may also be eligible for a regional grant: Aide à la Mobilité de la Région Grand Est


Studying Abroad as part of your Degree

Students who are doing a degree in Computer Science can choose the ECS course (European Computer Science), which leads to a dual degree after a mandatory year abroad.

For more information on this curriculum: ECS Degree


Since January 2015, students selected to study abroad with the Erasmus Program have to take a mandatory language test online (for free) before they leave and after their come back. This test has no influence on the selection process.

Language courses are available online, on the Erasmus+ website: Erasmus+ Linguistic Support


International Relations representatives at the Faculty (UFR MIM)

  • Faculty liaison

Eric FLEURY, eric.fleury@univ-lorraine.fr

Téléphone: + 33 (0)3 72 74 77 72

  • Administrative Staff liaison

Fabrice CROUVEZIER, fabrice.crouvezier@univ-lorraine.fr

Téléphone: + 33 (0)3 72 74 79 68